Nasr Pharmaceutical Company

Nasr Pharmaceutical Company


Sulfa Plus


Price: 0.00

Drug Category: Antimicrobial. Drug Form: Sterile Injectable Solution. Composition: Sulfadimidine 200 mg/ml Trimethoprim 40 mg/ml.

Sulfa Plus

Drug Category: Antimicrobial.

Drug Form: Sterile Injectable Solution.

Composition: Sulfadimidine 200 mg/ml

                        Trimethoprim 40 mg/ml.

Mechanism of Actions:

Sulfonamides are the analogous structures of Para Amino Benzoic Acid (PABA) and competitively inhibit an enzymatic activity (dihydropetrate synthetase) when PABA is introduced to produce dihydrofolic acid (folic acid). Since dihydrofolate production is reduced, the amount of tetrahydrofolate (folinic acid) formed from dihydrofolate is diminished. Tetrahydrofolate is a major component of the coenzyme involved in cellular carbon metabolism. Since sulfonamides act as anti-metabolites for PABA, they inhibit several enzymes. These enzymes include: the enzymes required for the production of purines, for the transfer of desoxyuridine to thymidine, and for the production of methionine, glycine and formyl methionyl-transferase-RNA. These actions lead to inhibiting protein production, destroying metabolic processes, and inhibiting the growth and proliferation of organisms that cannot be used for the reaction of folate. Sulfonamides inhibit the conversion of dihydrofolic acid to tetrahydrofolic acid, which is needed to produce certain amino acids, purines, and microbes' DNA. Strengthened sulfonamides inhibit sequential steps in the production of tetrafolic acid, so they have a synergistic effect. The spectrum of this compound is high and includes a high proportion of anaerobic bacteria, nocardia, chlamydia and toxoplasma.


Sulfadimidine is distributed throughout the body following IV administration. The half-life is 7.2 hours in sheep and 9 hours in the cattle. In ruminant, Sulfadimidine is metabolized by hydroxylation and acetylation and its metabolites are excreted through the urine. The relatively slow and gradual excretion of Sulfadimidine (its half-life is 8-12 hours) and high solubility of its metabolites cause crystallography to be reduced and the drug is well distributed in the body's tissues. About 70% of Sulfadimidine is bound to plasma proteins. Sulfadimidine penetrates widely into the whole body and into many soft tissues and joints.


This drug is commonly used to prevent or treat local or generalized infections. Specifically, in the treatment of Foot Rot, systemic infectious diseases such as cow's pneumonia, enteritis, calf diphtheria, mastitis, coccidiosis and sheep actinobacillosis, Bacillus coli, toxoplasmosis, pododermatitis are used.

Dosages and Administration Routs:

Horse, cattle and sheep: 15-24 mg per Kg bodyweight, muscular or slow intravenous.

Dogs and cats: 30 mg per Kg bodyweight, subcutaneous.

Sulfadimidine must be administered subcutaneously and slow intravenously.

Adverse and Common Side Effects:

Adverse reactions to Sulfadimidine may be due to hypersensitivity or direct toxic effects. Possible hypersensitivity reactions include: urticaria, anaphylaxis, skin rashes, drug fever, polyarthritis, hemolytic anemia, and agranulocytosis. Symptoms of acute toxicity may be seen following rapid intravenous injection or overdose of the drug.



Rapid intravenous injection may cause respiratory distress and clapping, so intravenous injection should be slowly applied. Incorrect intravenous injection may result in thrombophlebitis and severe reactions around the vessel. To prevent crystallization, the amount of drinking water during the treatment should be increased.

Drug interactions:

Sulfonamides may increase the effects of phenyl butazone, phenytoin, salicylate, thiazide, dihydrochloride and probenecid. This medication should not be taken concurrently with drugs that have an antagonistic effect with sulfonamides compounds, because their bacterial effect is eliminated. These drugs include local anesthetic drugs that have a PABA core, such as procaine, benzocaine, and compounds containing these drugs, such as penicillin procaine, B vitamins such as folic acid, nicotinic acid, and etc.

Withdrawal time: Meat: 12 days after last treatment.

                                Milk: 2 days after last treatment.

Pharmaceutical precautions:

Store below 30°C, protected from light. Do not freeze.


Packaging: 50 and 100 ml glass vial.

